
Community Growth Resources

The Catalytic Fund has multiple resources for planning and funding real estate development projects that meet our criteria of quality, need, and impact. These include financial products such as loans and investments, as well as real estate development services we provide on a consulting basis.

Our financial investments are limited to projects within our Investment Area of Ludlow, Covington, Newport, Bellevue, and Dayton, KY, with some exceptions. We can provide development services for projects in any geographic location.

The Catalytic Fund further supports its Investment Area by leading educational and placemaking initiatives designed to promote real estate development best practices and to involve the community in revitalization plans and results.

This building is an example of the stunning architecture in Northern Kentucky's river cities.

Financial Investments

The Catalytic Fund makes investments in real estate projects within our Investment Area of Ludlow, Covington, Newport, Dayton, and Bellevue, KY. We focus on projects that need extra support to advance from a pre-development stage to construction, so our investments are relatively short-term, covering a project's construction and stabilization. Because no two real estate projects are alike, our transactions are individually structured and may take the form of primary loans, subordinate and mezzanine debt, bridge loans, and equity investments. In special circumstances, we may fund pre-development and property acquisition activities.

To learn more about our lending and investment criteria, click here. If you would like to discuss financing options for one of your projects, please contact Joe Klare.

CDFI Fair Lending Requirements - In accordance with federal laws and U.S. Department of the Treasury policy, the Catalytic Fund is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 a prohibits discrimination based on race, color or national origin and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination based on disability. The United States Department of the Treasury regulations implementing Title VI are set forth in 31 C.F.R. Part 22. To file a complaint of discrimination, write to: U.S. Department of the Treasury, Director, Office of Civil Rights and Equal Employment Opportunity 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20220; or send an e-mail to:


Real Estate Development Services

Our Catalytic Fund professionals have specialized expertise in real estate finance, real estate development, urban planning, GIS mapping and data analysis, and historic preservation. We provide consulting services to help private sector, non-profit, and public entity clients execute their development plans. The types of services we offer include:

If you have a project you think would benefit from our development services, please contact Jeanne Schroer for pricing and details.



The Catalytic Fund initiates activities to enhance place quality, advance regional economic development efforts, and promote real estate development best practices.


The Catalytic Fund sponsors, organizes, and participates in symposia and educational events promoting real estate development best practices and providing information about market conditions, development trends, and new programs.


As a 501(c)(3) entity, the Catalytic Fund does not support political candidates or campaigns. We do, however, advocate for legislation that provides more effective tools for urban community development.


The Catalytic Fund is part of a consortium of regional economic development entities that collaborates and shares and aligns resources to achieve regional goals.